
31 - 40 of 206 results

La Donna D del 2020: Anna Grassellino

    From D La Repubblica, Dec. 12, 2020: Deputy Chief Technology Officer e vicedirettrice della divisione di fisica applicata e tecnologia dei superconduttori del Fermilab, negli Usa. Sta costruendo il computer più potente del mondo. L’abbiamo scelta insieme a voi tra 20 finaliste.

    One minute with Kate Sienkiewicz, LBNF Near Site Conventional Facilities project manager

    From working at the CIA to designing science facilities at Fermilab, Kate Sienkiewicz enjoys tackling complex problems. Currently, she oversees the team tasked with designing and building conventional facilities at the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility near site for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment — all with the overarching goal of understanding the universe.

    Javier Tiffenberg, el argentino que ganó el Oscar de las ciencias por investigar el lado oscuro del Universo

      From Clarin, Oct. 29, 2020: Cuando era chico, Javier Tiffenberg exploraba las profundidades de los océanos a bordo del Calypso. Si quería ir más lejos, cerraba la escotilla de una nave espacial y se lanzaba a recorrer galaxias brumosas. Sólo era cuestión de sumergirse en El mundo submarino, de Jacques Cousteau, o de sintonizar Cosmos, de Carl Sagan.