11 - 20 of 28 results

Newest moon mystery is fascinating

    From CNN, June 12, 2019: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln writes about a moon mass mystery: In a recent study, scientists claim they have discovered a huge and unexpected mass buried deep underneath the moon’s surface.

    Physicists are out to unlock the muon’s secret

      From Back Reaction, June 13, 2019: The so-called muon g-2 anomaly is a tension between experimental measurement and theoretical prediction. The most recent experimental data comes from a 2006 experiment at Brookhaven National Lab. A new experiment is now following up on the 2006 result: The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab.

      Jacob Todd receives URA Graduate Thesis Award for work on neutrino data analysis

      In his doctoral thesis, Todd details a method for data analysis in a way that minimizes a source of bias in some particle physics experiments. By analyzing information from two distant detectors simultaneously rather than sequentially, he incorporated the lack of precision knowledge in both detectors. A University of Cincinnati graduate, Todd used data from Fermilab’s MINOS and MINOS+ experiments, and his analysis can be applied in other neutrino research as well.

      Laura Fields receives URA Early Career Award

      The Universities Research Association recognizes Fermilab scientist Laura Fields for her contributions to the field of accelerator-based neutrino physics. She co-leads the MINERvA experiment, which is making measurements necessary for tuning models of neutrino interactions used in ongoing and future neutrino experiments, and helped design a new focusing system for Fermilab’s LBNF neutrino beam.

      Daniel Bafia wins first prize in student poster competition at International Particle Accelerator Conference

      A Ph.D. student at the Illinois Institute of Technology conducting his research at Fermilab, Bafia is currently researching a method to draw maximum performance from acceleration cavities. The method, called nitrogen doping, increases superconducting radio-frequency cavity efficiency and boosts beams to higher energies over shorter distances. His work earned him the Best Student Poster Prize at the 2019 International Particle Accelerator Conference.

      Fermilab fair gives children hands-on introduction to environment

        From The Beacon-News, June 9, 2019: A recent Sunday afternoon in Batavia gave parents and children the chance to experience animal and plant life as the Fermilab held its 11th annual Family Outdoor Fair. The event included more than a dozen outdoor activities, ranging from viewing the herd of bison that live on the property to scooping up insect and pond creatures and invertebrates with nets.

        The language of physics

        Word fans, rejoice! Symmetry is back with another list of 10 common words that take on a new meaning when spoken by scientists. Take these physics words for a spin.


        An interaction of slipping beams

        In particle accelerators, the greater a beam’s intensity, the more opportunities there are to study particle interactions. One way to increase the intensity is to merge two beams with a technique called slip-stacking. However, when combining them, the beams’ interaction may cause instability. A Fermilab scientist has created a successful model of the fraught dynamics of two particle beams in close contact, leading to smoother sailing in this area of particle acceleration.

        Putting the squeeze on axions

          From Physics Today, June 1, 2019: Fermilab scientist Aaron Chou is an author on this article on how microwave cavity experiments make a quantum leap in the search for the dark matter of the universe. The experimental hunt for a dark matter candidate called the axion has been going on for decades, and today, a number of experiments are putting the squeeze on this hypothesized particle.

          Einstein’s quest to ‘know God’s thoughts’ could take millennia

            From Live Science, June 4, 2019: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln discusses why it could take millennia to find a theory of everything. It would answer all questions, leaving nothing unanswered. Why is the sky blue? Covered. Why does gravity exist? That’s covered, too. Stated in a more scientific way, a theory of everything would ideally explain all phenomena with a single theory, a single building block and a single force.