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PIP-II: An international effort breaking new ground in particle physics

    From Innovation News Network, February 25, 2022: PIP-II project director Lia Merminga discusses the Fermilab accelerator complex upgrade being done in collaboration with research institutions in India, the UK, Italy, France, and Poland. Read more about the current status of PIP-II project, what it sets out to achieve and the impacts PIP-II will have on the future of particle physics research.

    2021 AAAS Fellows

      From AAAS: The American Association for the Advancement of Science has elected two Fermilab scientists, Robert Bernstein and Chandrashekhara Bhat, as 2021 AAAS fellows. They have been recognized for distinguished contributions to the fields of experimental particle physics and accelerator physics, respectively.

      Patricia McBride elected next CMS spokesperson

        From CERN Courier, Feb. 11, 2022: Patricia McBride, Fermilab distinguished scientist, has been elected as the next spokesperson of the CMS collaboration. She will begin her new role in the fall.