1441 - 1450 of 1786 results

Google Cloud, HEPCloud and probing the nature of Nature

    From Google Cloud Platform Blog, Nov. 14, 2016: Google Cloud Platform is now a supported provider for HEPCloud, a project launched in June 2015 by Fermilab’s Scientific Computing Division to develop a virtual facility providing a common interface to local clusters, grids, high-performance computers and community and commercial clouds.

    Chasing neutrinos

      From Inside Science, Nov. 2, 2016: In this 3-minute video, DUNE co-spokesperson Mark Thomson talks about Fermilab’s search for neutrinos and how scientists capture the rare interactions of the elusive particles. Fermilab’s DUNE animation is featured.

      The story of “Tractricious”

      The setting provided by founding Director Bob Wilson’s creative design of the laboratory and his many sculptures are an enduring source of pride for those associated with Fermilab and for the surrounding community. One of the sculptures that has gained widespread attention is “Tractricious.”