Brynn Kristen MacCoy receives 2024 URA Honorary Doctoral Thesis Award
Brynn Kristen MacCoy’s work on improving beam dynamics has helped Muon g-2 researchers better understand and account for the behavior of the muon beam.
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Brynn Kristen MacCoy’s work on improving beam dynamics has helped Muon g-2 researchers better understand and account for the behavior of the muon beam.
To aid in the search for elusive dark matter, Kevin Pedro looks for ways to harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence for analyzing particle collision data. For this work, Pedro was awarded the 2024 Universities Research Association Honorary Early Career Award.
The U.S. Department of Energy awarded Guillermo Fernandez Moroni $2.5 million over 5 years to fund his project developing sensors to study the early universe. His work could enable surveying tens of thousands of distant galaxies at a time.
Scientists working on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment are preparing for the first test of a prototype detector in a neutrino beam.
To understand why scientists are excited about detecting a new background, just look to the history of studies of the CMB.
For a few days, teachers work with real-world physics data to figure out how to bring particle physics back to their classrooms during the QuarkNet Data Camp, an annual workshop for educators at Fermilab.
The Bird Conservation Network recently shared its findings from 22 years of surveying bird populations throughout the Chicago area and compared their data to Fermilab’s decades-long bird monitoring data.
Astronomers are championing a relatively new technique as a method to understand the structure of the early universe in three dimensions.
The award recognizes Marco Del Tutto for his work that enhances the capabilities of the Short Baseline Near Detector, the first stage of data collection along the Short-Baseline Neutrino experiment.
While studying at the University of Manchester, Green analyzed data from a liquid argon neutrino detector at Fermilab, developing new techniques to identify muons that would hint at new particles.