
911 - 920 of 2082 results

How big is a neutron star?

    While we’ve known about neutron stars for the better part of a century, astrophysicists still aren’t entirely sure how large they are. That uncertainty is related to two other unanswered questions: What’s in the middle of neutron stars, and how massive can they grow? Astrophysicists are combining multiple methods to reveal the secrets of some of the weirdest objects in the universe.

    Morale della favola / Se le scienziate italiane conquistano il mondo

      From La Repubblica, Aug. 27, 2020: Le chiamano scienze dure: matematica, fisica, ingegneria. E serve un impegno enorme, per arrivare ai vertici. Anna Grassellino da Marsala, classe 1981, ne è un esempio. Il suo campo è la superconduttività a radiofrequenza. Il Department of Energy americano le ha appena messo in mano 115 milioni di dollari per realizzare il nuovo centro di calcolo quantistico che si chiama Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, Sqms per dirlo in modo semplice.

      More powerful than a supercomputer: Illinois Tech named a partner in $575 million initiative to develop new quantum computer

        From Illinois Institute of Technology, Aug. 26, 2020: Illinois Institute of Technology has been named a partner with Fermilab’s Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, which has a goal of building and operating a new quantum computer that could be millions of times more powerful than modern supercomputers.

        White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U.S. Department of Energy announces the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee

          From the Department of Energy, Aug. 28, 2020: The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the U.S. Department of Energy announced the members of the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee, which will counsel the Administration on ways to ensure continued American leadership in quantum information science. Fermilab Deputy Director Joe Lykken is one of the members.

          Northwestern is key partner in $115 million national center to build revolutionary quantum computer

            From Northwestern University, Aug. 26, 2020: Fermilab has been selected to lead one of five national centers to bring about transformational advances in quantum information science as a part of the U.S. National Quantum Initiative. Northwestern University is a major partner in the new center. The materials science and physics faculty, combined with the University’s cryogenic and materials characterization facilities, will play a central role in research to improve the performance of superconducting qubits and microwave cavities for quantum computing and sensing applications.

            White House announces $1 billion plan to create AI, quantum institutes

              From The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 26, 2020: The White House announced that federal agencies and their private sector partners are committing more than $1 billion over the next five years to establish 12 new research institutes focused on artificial intelligence and quantum information sciences. The Energy Department will supervise and invest $625 million in the five centers focused on quantum information sciences, including one led by Fermilab.

              ORNL, partners receive $115 million to establish Quantum Science Center

                From Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Aug. 26, 2020: The Department of Energy has selected Oak Ridge National Laboratory to lead a collaboration charged with developing quantum technologies that will usher in a new era of innovation. The Quantum Science Center, led by Oak Ridge, will receive $115 million over five years to realize the potential of topological quantum materials for manipulating, transferring and storing quantum information. Fermilab is a partner organization in the Quantum Science Center.

                Department of Energy selects Argonne, Fermilab to lead two multimillion-dollar national quantum research centers

                  From University of Chicago, Aug. 26, 2020: The Department of Energy is establishing five new National Quantum Information Science Research Centers, including a center led by Argonne and a center led by Fermilab, which are each projected to receive $115 million in funding over the next five years. The Fermilab-led center, called the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, aims to build and deploy a beyond-state-of-the-art quantum computer based on superconducting technologies. The center also will develop new quantum sensors, which could lead to the discovery of the nature of dark matter and other elusive subatomic particles.

                  Feds pick Argonne, Fermi to lead quantum computing research centers

                    From Crain’s Chicago Business, Aug. 26, 2020: Chicago’s two national laboratories, Fermilab and Argonne, have been picked to lead national research centers for quantum computing that will receive $115 million each over the next five years. Fermilab will lead the Superconducting Quantum
                    Materials and Systems Center, which will take on one of the main problems of quantum technology: the length of time that a qubit, the basic element of a quantum computer, can maintain information.

                    À la recherche du neutrino stérile

                      From Pour la Science, Aug. 24, 2020: Les neutrinos existent en trois variétés, mais certains indices suggèrent l’existence d’une quatrième, qui pourrait jouer un rôle important en cosmologie. Des expériences sont en cours afin de détecter ces hypothétiques particules. Les données de MiniBooNE n’ont fait qu’appuyer davantage les arguments en faveur de cette quatrième saveur de neutrino.