How is the Force like dark matter?
For Dark Matter Day, scientist and Star Wars fan Dan McKinsey talks dark matter and the Force.
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For Dark Matter Day, scientist and Star Wars fan Dan McKinsey talks dark matter and the Force.
The workshop encouraged educators to interact with each other as learner, teacher and professional development provider.
Cross sections tell physicists how likely particles are to interact in a given way.
The world will soon be celebrating the hunt for the universe’s most elusive matter in a series of Dark Matter Day events planned in over a dozen countries.
The funds will support collaborations with partners in computer science and applied mathematics to address problems in high-energy physics with advanced computing solutions.
Georgia Schwender deals in cyanotypes, prairies and people.
Researchers from Caltech and the University of Southern California report the first application of quantum computing to a physics problem. By employing quantum-compatible machine learning techniques, they developed a method of extracting a rare Higgs boson signal from copious noise data.
A type of electron lens developed at Fermilab lends itself to future collider applications.
As you walk down the stairs from the main floor of Wilson Hall to the auditorium vestibule, look up to the near edge of the wood block ceiling.
For the first time, experiments have seen both light and gravitational waves released by a single celestial crash.