One minute with Keenan Newton, Content Management Group lead
Keenan Newton of the Core Computing Division is well-versed in DocDB, Indico, SharePoint and WordPress. He’s also a volunteer firefighter.
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Keenan Newton of the Core Computing Division is well-versed in DocDB, Indico, SharePoint and WordPress. He’s also a volunteer firefighter.
The United States and the European physics laboratory have formally agreed to partner on continued LHC research, upcoming neutrino research and a future collider.
A tour of 10 of this year’s popular science books delivers dark matter, black holes and a hefty dose of Einstein.
Members of the Dark Energy Survey have partnered with the LIGO experiment in the hunt for gravitational waves. They’re the DES-GW group. DES-GW will use the Dark Energy Camera to help LIGO search for the source of the gravitational waves it detects.
To learn more about the particles they collide, physicists turn their attention to a less destructive type of collision in the LHC.
Pranav Sivakumar, a student at the Illinois Math and Science Academy, was recently recognized by President Barack Obama at White House Astronomy Night. Fermilab Ask-a-Scientist and Saturday Morning Physics talks were significant influences in his decision to pursue science.
The extremely sensitive quantum-spacetime-measuring tool will serve as a template for scientific exploration in the years to come.
Scientists don’t yet know what dark matter is made of, but they are full of ideas.
Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln explains how particle physics research attempts to answer questions of the universe. For those with a more practical bent, he explains how this research is an excellent investment, with a high rate of return for society.