
From Yahoo Notizie (Italy), September 22, 2022: Congratulations to SQMS Center director, Anna Grassellino who received the New Horizon Prize in fundamental physics for the discovery of major improvements in the performance of superconducting radio frequency niobium cavities, with applications ranging from accelerator physics to quantum devices.

From the Big Think, September 20, 2022: Don Lincoln ponders the size of the Universe. That is the hypothetical Universe versus the actual Universe. Read more about what we don’t know and what we do know about the Universe that began almost 14 billion years ago.

From Syracuse University, September 18, 2022: Researchers at Syracuse University have received two new grants that will expand their work with physicists from around the world on projects that include MicroBooNE, DUNE and NOvA. The support comes from the NSF and DOE and will enable graduate and undergraduate students to work on everything from detector construction and operation at Fermilab and Syracuse, to final data analysis and software development.

From the American Physics Society, September 14, 2022: This April, Merminga became the new director of Fermilab and the first woman to hold the position. As director, she oversees nearly 2,000 people working on cutting-edge experiments. In this interview with APS News, she discusses her life, career, and views on the future of particle physics.

From Semiconducting Engineering, September 12, 2022: How do you extend the lifespan of qubits? Researchers at the Supercomputing Quantum Materials and Systems Center say silicon limits the lifespan of qubits because of quantum decoherence. Fermilab’s Alexander Romanenko discusses recently published research on how individual sub-components contribute to the decoherence of the qubits. Could sapphire be a better choice for future quantum chips?