Video: How to wrangle a particle
Learn some particle accelerator basics from a Fermilab accelerator operator.
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Learn some particle accelerator basics from a Fermilab accelerator operator.
A recent uptick in the discovery of the smallest, oldest galaxies benefits studies of dark matter, galaxy formation and the evolution of the universe.
Keenan Newton of the Core Computing Division is well-versed in DocDB, Indico, SharePoint and WordPress. He’s also a volunteer firefighter.
The future of Fermilab is global, as exemplified by the DUNE international effort.
Kane County Chronicle, Dec. 22, 2015: The Kane County Chronicle catches up with the Muon g-2 experiment, where scientists, engineers and technicians are currently hard at work shaping the magnetic field inside the 17-ton ring.
The New York Times, Dec. 15, 2015: Fermilab Deputy Director Joe Lykken is quoted in this article on ATLAS and CMS results that point to traces of what could be a new fundamental particle.
The United States and the European physics laboratory have formally agreed to partner on continued LHC research, upcoming neutrino research and a future collider.
A tour of 10 of this year’s popular science books delivers dark matter, black holes and a hefty dose of Einstein.
Inverse, Dec. 4, 2015: Scientists at Fermilab tell us that an experiment designed to test the so-called “holographic principle” found no evidence that the universe is an illusory 3D projection of information encoded at the distant edges of the universe.