
401 - 410 of 2563 results

Basic to breakthrough: how exploring the building blocks of the universe sets the foundation for innovation

    From the DOE Office of Science, June 28, 2021: Particle physics research scientists supported by the U.S. Department of Energy tackle the fundamental mysteries at universities and national labs across the country. They build state-of-the-art experiments that yield incredible discoveries and achievements including Fermilab’s Muon g-2 result, the Higgs Boson discovery, the ProtoDune demonstration and the launch of the National Quantum Initiative.

    An illustration of lots of yellow dots on a light pink background. Some have rainbows or smiley faces on them. One has lines coming out it that make it look star-like. One dot is shiny and red. In the center, there is a white dot. Some glare appears to emanate from the white dot.

    What is a photon?

    Quanta of light called photons are the smallest possible packets of electromagnetic energy. Learn the history behind how scientists came to understand photons — and what these particles have shown us (and might show us) they can do.

    DOE invests $93 Million for new discoveries in high-energy physics

      From Department of Energy, June 28, 2021: DOE announces $93 million in funding for 71 research projects that will spur new discoveries in high-energy physics. The projects—housed at 50 colleges and universities across 29 states—are exploring the basics of energy science that underlie technological advancements in medicine, computing, energy technologies, manufacturing, national security and more.