A minute with Claire Lee, particle physicist March 23, 2023 CERNCMSCMS Remote Operations CentrepeopleFermilab feature Claire Lee works for the US-CMS collaboration at CERN. When she’s not taking shifts in the CMS control room, ensuring the detectors are functioning properly and safely, she takes guests on tours and teaches them about the amazing particle physics investigated by the variety of experiments there.
Mary Bishai joins Sergio Bertolucci as co-spokesperson of DUNE March 20, 2023 DUNELBNF/DUNEspokespersonFermilab feature Bishai and Bertolucci lead the 1,400-member collaboration of scientists and engineers of the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.
How to put together an international physics experiment March 17, 2023 CERNcryomoduleDUNEinternational collaborationPIP-IItransportation testSymmetry feature To build the DUNE neutrino experiment and its associated accelerator upgrade, experts invent customized ways to transport fragile, expensive and highly specialized components.
New STEM program for high school girls comes to Fermilab March 10, 2023 EDIASTEMFermilab feature SAGE camp, a week-long summer program designed to educate and enlighten underrepresented students interested in STEM, becomes established at the lab.
Do hidden influences give neutrinos their tiny mass? March 7, 2023 Higgs bosonmassneutrinotheorySymmetry feature The quest to understand the small mass of neutrinos is also a quest to discover new particles.
Fermilab welcomes a new chief financial officer March 7, 2023 leadershipFermilab feature Teresa Nightengale joins the lab as chief financial officer bringing more than 35 years of experience. In her role as CFO, she will be responsible for all budgeting, accounting, payroll, finance and procurement systems at Fermilab.
Fermilab completes the first-of-its-kind prototype of a superconducting accelerator module March 1, 2023 acceleratoraccelerator technologycryomodulePIP-IIFermilab feature The 10-meter-long cryomodule, part of the PIP-II particle accelerator project at Fermilab, is now undergoing testing to validate all its components and finalize its design. In a few years, Fermilab and international partners will produce four similar cryomodules that will propel particles in the new linear accelerator.
A minute with Brian Vaughn, electrical engineer February 22, 2023 Fermilab feature With his background building Bluetooth antennas, now Brian Vaughn applies his expertise to a multitude of different Fermilab projects. His favorite: building a superconducting cavity for the Main Injector.
Fermilab to host Pathway Summer School program February 21, 2023 BrookhavenEDIPathway Summer SchoolSTEMFermilab feature The lab will co-host with Brookhaven National Laboratory the STEM-based summer program for first-year college students from underrepresented groups and underserved schools.
How to do particle physics in a climate emergency February 7, 2023 climate changeCMScomputingLHCparticle acceleratorSnowmasssustainabilitytravelSymmetry feature Scientists in the particle physics community are bringing environmental and climate issues to the table in discussions about future research.