The endless search
From FAPESP’s Pesquisa, March 2018: International researchers are constantly looking for lighter particles in the hope of finding dark matter, including at the DarkSide-50 experiment, CDMS and the Dark Energy Survey.
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From FAPESP’s Pesquisa, March 2018: International researchers are constantly looking for lighter particles in the hope of finding dark matter, including at the DarkSide-50 experiment, CDMS and the Dark Energy Survey.
From, July 2, 2018: Scientists test the first experiment sensitive enough to detect axions — ADMX. Fermilab scientist Andrew Sonnenschein highlights the connection between the ADMX experiment and quantum computing.
Nothing beats a small experiment for the breadth of experience it gives the scientist.
These are the event displays of Large Hadron Collider physicists’ dreams.
From Science News, June 6, 2018: Fusion may have a dark side. A shadowy hypothetical process called “dark fusion” could be occurring throughout the cosmos, suggests a new study by Fermilab scientist Sam McDermott.
From Science News, June 6, 2018: A shadowy hypothetical process called “dark fusion” could be occurring throughout the cosmos, says physicist Sam McDermott of Fermilab.
From PBS’s NOVA Wonders, May 30, 2018: Fermilab’s Josh Frieman and Brian Nord appear in this episode on the dark sector.
Fermilab is providing technology and expertise for the SuperCDMS SNOLAB project, which will expand the hunt for dark matter to particles with properties not visible to any other experiment.
From Astronomy Now, April 10, 2018: Researchers at the University of California at Berkeleysuccessfully adapted superconducting quantum interference devices, or SQUIDs, for use in the Axion Dark Matter Experiment at University of Washington. Fermilab is a collaborating institution on ADMX.
From APS’s Physics, April 9, 2018: Thanks to unprecedented detection sensitivity, ADMX, of which Fermilab is a collaborating member, has been able to probe, for the first time, the parameter space favored by both of the two most popular axion dark matter models.