Agencies in the United States and France have signed statements expressing interest to work together on the development and production of technical components for PIP-II, a major particle accelerator project with substantial international contributions. In addition, the French agencies also plan to collaborate on DUNE, an international flagship science project that will unlock the mysteries of neutrinos.
From Tech Princess, Dec. 5, 2018: L’Italia firma l’accordo internazionale di collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica con gli Stati Uniti per la realizzazione del PIP-II, un nuovo acceleratore lineare di protoni per l’esperimento DUNE.
From MeteoWeb, Dec. 5, 2018: L’Italia con l’INFN fornirè contributi determinanti per la costruzione dell’acceleratore di particelle che sarà il fulcro del progetto PIP-II
The agreement launches a multinational collaboration to build a powerful new accelerator at DOE’s Fermilab complex. Italy and its National Institute of Nuclear Physics will provide major contributions to the construction of the 176-meter-long superconducting particle accelerator that is the centerpiece of the PIP-II project.
From Meteoweb, July 26, 2018: Il Progetto PIP-II è un passo cruciale per la realizzazione del futuro esperimento DUNE che sarà realizzato nella struttura sperimentale a lunga distanza (LBNF) progettata dal Fermilab.
From WBBM Newsradio: Aug. 6, 2018: Fermilab has preliminary approval for its plan to upgrade its particle accelerator, which uses streams of neutrinos for a wide variety of physics research, by the middle of the next decade.