Sternströme mit Migrationshintergrund
From Spektrum, July 2, 2018: Woher stammen die Sterne der Milchstraße? Eine Himmelskartierung stößt auf eine Reihe von Besuchern – Sternströme aus fremden Galaxien.
1021 - 1030 of 1786 results
From Spektrum, July 2, 2018: Woher stammen die Sterne der Milchstraße? Eine Himmelskartierung stößt auf eine Reihe von Besuchern – Sternströme aus fremden Galaxien.
Meet four physicists who have found different ways to apply the skills they learned through their studies of the Higgs boson.
From, July 2, 2018: Scientists test the first experiment sensitive enough to detect axions — ADMX. Fermilab scientist Andrew Sonnenschein highlights the connection between the ADMX experiment and quantum computing.
Nothing beats a small experiment for the breadth of experience it gives the scientist.
In a collaborative, cross-laboratory effort, Fermilab’s HEPCloud program enabled NOvA to perform the largest antineutrino data analysis ever in record time.
From Meteoweb, June 30, 2018: Accordo tra Stati Uniti e Italia per lo Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN), che sarà il progetto americano di punta per la ricerca sui neutrini.
From Dallas Morning News, June 28, 2018: Members of the world’s particle physics community are launching the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment to understand the early universe. For Fermilab user Jaehoon Yu, DUNE also opens possibilities beyond curiosity-driven research.
Measuring a certain parameter of particles emerging from Tevatron collisions helps us better understand how the unified electromagnetic and weak forces broke into separate distinct entities in the universe’s early moments.
From KRWG, June 26, 2018: The three-year grant will fund New Mexico State University physics faculty, students and postdoctoral researchers for three projects: SeaQuest, MicroBooNE and PHENIX.
From Texas A&M University, June 26, 2018: Toback points to CDF’s impact in its landmark 700th paper published last year in Physical Review D and in how it’s shed new light on the production rate of charm quarks.