New facility aims to shrink accelerators
Work has begun on an upgrade to the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
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Work has begun on an upgrade to the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
From Gizmodo, June 4, 2018: Last year, a paper cast doubt on the existence of a sterile neutrino. But a new report from scientists at MiniBooNE provides even more evidence for the particle.
From Black Hills Pioneer, June 4, 2018: Mike Headley, South Dakota Science and Technology Authority executive director and laboratory director, and Josh Willhite, Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility far site manager for the Sanford Underground Research Facility, updated the public on the progress being made on DUNE taking place at Fermilab in Illinois.
From Los Alamos National Laboratory, June 6, 2018: New research results have potentially identified a fourth type of neutrino, a “sterile neutrino” particle.
Watch SLAC theorist Lance Dixon write out a new formula that will contribute to a better understanding of certain particle collisions.
From Sanford Underground Research Facility’s Deep Thoughts, June 4, 2018: Building the largest international neutrino experiment on U.S. soil requires innovative engineering solutions. Fermilab Deputy Director for LBNF Chris Mossey gives us a glimpse of the challenges of building the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility.
New data shows that a MiniBooNE signal that may point to additional types of neutrinos has grown even stronger. Significantly stronger.
Physicists see top quarks and Higgs bosons emanating from the same collisions in new results from the Large Hadron Collider.
Photographers will be able to visit, explore and take pictures of scientific machines and locations in research areas not usually accessible to the public. [Update: Registration is now closed.]
As the DUNE collaboration grows, collaborators make progress on the two ProtoDUNE detectors at CERN.