Road trip science
The Escaramujo Project delivered detector technology by van to eight universities in Latin America.
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The Escaramujo Project delivered detector technology by van to eight universities in Latin America.
As we enter the second month of Fermilab’s 50th year, we look back on Robert Wilson assuming the lab’s first directorship and revisit the lab’s first experiment, along with other memorable milestones.
From SLAC, Jan. 31, 2017: A full kilometer of SLAC’s historic linac has been stripped of all its equipment. Over the next two years it will be re-equipped with new technology to power an X-ray laser, LCLS-II. Fermilab and Jefferson Lab are building the cryomodules for its superconducting portion.
A result from the LHCb experiment shows what could be the first evidence of matter and antimatter baryons behaving differently.
From the Naperville Sun, Jan. 26, 2017: A gravity collider, gravity accelerator, shape shooter, ramps and curves machine, and a mini linear accelerator were on loan to Graham Elementary School three days this week from Fermilab.
Since its inception in 1980 by then-Fermilab Director Leon Lederman, Saturday Morning Physics has been one of the most popular outreach initiatives at Fermilab.
Years of work upgrading the accelerator have made it possible to achieve the high beam power needed to produce neutrinos — the most elusive of nature’s known particles — by the truckload.
From the INSPIRE blog, Jan. 23, 2017: INSPIRE’s list of the 40 most highly cited papers during 2016 is out, and five are Fermilab papers. The number goes up if you include CMS papers. Have a look in this blog post by Fermilab’s Heath O’Connell and SLAC’s Michael Peskin.
Neutron stars have earned their share of superlatives since their discovery in 1967.