Andre Salles

Andre Salles is a science writer at Argonne National Laboratory and former senior writer in the Fermilab Office of Communication.

1 - 10 of 22 results

Pre-excavation work on LBNF/DUNE begins in South Dakota

Fermilab has finalized an agreement with construction firm Kiewit-Alberici Joint Venture to start pre-excavation work for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, which will house the enormous particle detectors for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. The South Dakota portion of the facility will be built a mile beneath the surface at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota.

United States and France express interest to collaborate on construction of superconducting particle accelerator at Fermilab and the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

Agencies in the United States and France have signed statements expressing interest to work together on the development and production of technical components for PIP-II, a major particle accelerator project with substantial international contributions. In addition, the French agencies also plan to collaborate on DUNE, an international flagship science project that will unlock the mysteries of neutrinos.

UK science minister announces $88 million for LBNF/DUNE, visits Fermilab

One day after signing the first ever umbrella science and technology agreement between the U.S. and the UK and announcing $88 million in funding for LBNF/DUNE, UK science minister Jo Johnson visited Fermilab for a tour.