An international celebration of dark matter
Around the world, scientists and nonscientists alike celebrated the first international Dark Matter Day.
1771 - 1780 of 2085 results
Around the world, scientists and nonscientists alike celebrated the first international Dark Matter Day.
From ASCR Discovery, October 2017: The cosmological search in the dark is no walk in the park. With help from Berkeley Lab, Fermilab aims open-source software at data from high-energy physics. Fermilab’s Oliver Gutsche, Jim Kowalkowski and Saba Sehrish talk about Spark
For Dark Matter Day, scientist and Star Wars fan Dan McKinsey talks dark matter and the Force.
From SpaceRip, Oct. 27, 2017: In this 7-minute video featuring photography and animated simulations of outer space, Dark Energy Survey Director Josh Frieman talks about DES and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and how these surveys will help us understand dark energy.
Grace C. Young is fascinated by fundamental questions about realms both quantum and undersea.
From The Conversation, Oct. 25, 2017: Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper describes the mystery of dark matter and how scientists are working to solve the puzzle.
Cross sections tell physicists how likely particles are to interact in a given way.
From WTTW’s Chicago Tonight, Oct. 17, 2017: Fermilab’s James Annis is among the panel of scientists who discuss the LIGO/Virgo’s detection of gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars and the optical followup.
Through hard work, ingenuity and a little cooperation from nature, scientists on the BASE experiment vastly improved their measurement of a property of protons and antiprotons.
From York University, Oct. 17, 2017: This is the first such agreement Fermilab has signed for the experiment with a university outside the United States, and York is the only Canadian university currently involved in the international DUNE collaboration spanning 31 countries.