Einstein’s garden: translating physics into Blackfoot
Sharon Yellowfly has been preserving and expanding the Blackfoot language by translating the announcements of LIGO’s universe-bending discoveries.
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Sharon Yellowfly has been preserving and expanding the Blackfoot language by translating the announcements of LIGO’s universe-bending discoveries.
In recognition of his own past, physicist Azwinndini Muronga has brought STEM enrichment opportunities to youth in remote, underserved towns and villages.
Figuring out which type of neutrino is heaviest, or solving the puzzle of neutrino mass hierarchy, would be a huge leap in our understanding of both neutrinos and the physics that govern our universe. The NoVA experiment or DUNE could help physicists do just that.
Physicists and archaeologists are teaming up to provide research opportunities for Black and Hispanic undergraduates to image an archaeological site in Mexico using muon tomography. Fermilab personnel will help with the project, and Fermilab will also produce the scintillators for use in the muon detector.
Theoretical physicist Clifford Johnson answers questions about his work in science and outreach, including advising on movies like Avengers: Endgame.
A proposed dark-matter detection method would look for tracks of dark matter etched into billion-year-old mineral samples.
Sanford Underground Research Facility is making an effort to build bridges with Native American communities and operate with respect for the sacred land it is built on.
Read the travelogue of a xenon atom as it journeys from the air we breathe to a dark-matter detector a mile underground.
What does it take to envision and build a seemingly impossible particle accelerator? The results of these discussions will shape the next 100 years of particle physics research.
A super-precise experiment at Fermilab is carefully analyzing every detail of the muon’s magnetic moment. The Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration has announced it will present its first result at 10 a.m. CDT on April 7.