
An illustration of a woman with dark hair head in hand, falling asleep at a desk in front of a computer monitor. A desk lamp signs on her. Her room has two walls missing and floats in the nightsky in a cloud.

Four physicists, including Fermilab’s Claire Lee, share their experiences dealing with major setbacks, trauma, mental health issues and toxic work environments.

Photo of a dome-shaped building, likely an observatory, atop a mountain, which gold mist surrounds. Blue sky and silhouette of birds above.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, travel bans and stay-at-home orders meant astrophysicists collaborating on the Dark Energy Survey needed to find a new way to conduct their observations using the Dark Energy Camera.

Fast electronics and artificial intelligence are helping physicists working on experiments with massive amounts of data, such as the CMS experiment, decide which data to keep and which to throw away.

An illustration. I person stands inside a giant, hollow gold cube and sends a signal using a device to another device on the left side of the screen that is close up and held in a hand. The close-up device says "counting" and has some numbers. In the bottom right-hand corner, it says LBNF/DUNE.

When studying mysterious subatomic particles, researchers at SURF in South Dakota use a different kind of particle detector, particle counters, to prevent run-of-the-mill dust particles from creating background noise and obscuring results.