Quantum leap
Fermilab scientists are adapting the lab’s cutting-edge accelerator technology for qubits and quantum sensors.
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Fermilab scientists are adapting the lab’s cutting-edge accelerator technology for qubits and quantum sensors.
New, flexible power modulators give accelerator operators more precise control over particle beams.
The federal grants will support University of Chicago, Argonne and Fermilab in their explorations of quantum computing, dark matter, and imaging.
Even though the ProtoDUNE time projection chambers are small compared to the planned DUNE far detectors, the data volume that these detectors produce are similar in size to what is coming out of the largest LHC experiments.
The University of Liverpool graduate works on upgrading part of the Muon g-2 experiment.
Joel Butler reflects on his time as the CMS spokesperson and what’s next in his long physics career.
Recently, the MicroBooNE experiment published a paper describing how they used convolutional neural networks — a particular type of deep neural network — to sort individual pixels coming from images made by a particular type of detector.
High-energy physicists and members of industry will meet face-to-face to brainstorm ideas and participate in the field’s first hands-on quantum computing workshop.
The South Pole Telescope, specially designed to measure the cosmic microwave background, has recently opened its third-generation camera for a multiyear survey to observe the earliest instants of the universe.
The National Science Foundation has awarded a $1.6 million grant to four U.S. universities for work on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.