Timing neutrinos with White Rabbit January 17, 2018 computingdetector technologyICARUSNetherlandsneutrinoFermilab feature Particle detectors won’t be late, be late for a very important date.
Fermilab Computing partners with Argonne, local schools for Hour of Code January 11, 2018 computingoutreachFermilab feature As part of Computer Science Education Week on Dec. 4-10, Fermilab partnered with Argonne National Laboratory on an initiative to bring Hour of Code activities and coding role models to local schools.
Rivers in the sky January 10, 2018 astrophysicsAustraliaChileDark Energy CameraDark Energy SurveyeducationinternationalitySymmetry feature Local communities named newly discovered stellar streams for bodies of water close to home.
Dark Energy Survey publicly releases first three years of data January 10, 2018 AustraliaBrazilChiledark energyDark Energy CameraDark Energy Surveydark matterIllinoisstellar streamsUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignPress release Scientists on the Dark Energy Survey announced the public release of their first three years of data. This first major release of data includes information on about 400 million astronomical objects.
Secretary of Energy Rick Perry visits Fermilab, touts progress in advancing science January 9, 2018 Deep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDepartment of EnergyDUNELBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilitySanford LabSanford Underground Research FacilitySouth DakotaVIPFermilab feature Secretary Perry’s visit encompassed the breadth of the Fermilab research program and included a town hall meeting with lab employees and users.
One minute with Stephanie Timpone, engineering physicist January 2, 2018 peopleFermilab feature Timpone made the leap from teaching to a life at Fermilab.
Fermilab Natural Areas donates environmental education materials to Lederman Science Center December 22, 2017 educationFermilab Natural AreasFermilab feature The donation includes field guides for Fermilab docents to use during tours and Spanish-language nature books for visiting students.
The 12 Days of Physicsmas December 21, 2017 holidaySymmetry feature Add some science to your holiday carols.
Machine evolution December 19, 2017 acceleratoraccelerator technologyCERNLCLSLCLS-IILEPLHCSLACTevatronSymmetry feature Planning the next big science machine requires consideration of both the current landscape and the distant future.
Physics books of 2017 December 12, 2017 booksholidaySymmetry feature Gravitational waves take the top spot in Symmetry writer Mike Perricone’s yearly round-up of popular science books related to physics and astrophysics.