dark matter

71 - 80 of 226 results

University of Glasgow supports major quantum technology effort to solve universe’s mysteries

    From University of Glasgow, Jan. 13, 2021: Fermilab will take part in an international collaboration, led by Cardiff University, on quantum-enhanced interferometry for new physics. The project’s four table-top experiments may help explore new parameter spaces of photon-dark matter interaction, and seek answers to the long-standing question at the heart of modern science: How can gravity be united with the other fundamental forces?

    Precision measurements of intracluster light suggest possible link to dark matter

    Faint light from rogue stars not bound to galaxies has been something of a mystery to scientists. The dimness of this intracluster light makes it difficult to measure, and no one knows how much there is. Scientists on the Dark Energy Survey, led by Fermilab, have made the most radially extended measurement of this light ever and have found new evidence that its distribution might point to the distribution of dark matter.

    A dark matter detector based on a wind chime seems just weird enough to work

      From Gizmodo, Nov. 10, 2020: Fermilab and University of Maryland scientist Dan Carney and a small group of scientists have begun work on a prototype they say could one day lead to a dark matter detector capable of pinpointing the minute gravitational pull of a particle we can neither see nor feel. The detector is simple in design, but the theory behind its construction amounts to a fundamental rethinking of the search for dark matter.

      Javier Tiffenberg, el argentino que ganó el Oscar de las ciencias por investigar el lado oscuro del Universo

        From Clarin, Oct. 29, 2020: Cuando era chico, Javier Tiffenberg exploraba las profundidades de los océanos a bordo del Calypso. Si quería ir más lejos, cerraba la escotilla de una nave espacial y se lanzaba a recorrer galaxias brumosas. Sólo era cuestión de sumergirse en El mundo submarino, de Jacques Cousteau, o de sintonizar Cosmos, de Carl Sagan.