Instrument finds new earthly purpose
Detectors long used to look at the cosmos are now part of X-ray experiments here on Earth.
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Detectors long used to look at the cosmos are now part of X-ray experiments here on Earth.
You can’t buy electronics for particle detectors off the shelf. Farah Fahim is one of the engineers who designs them.
Can the same type of technology Facebook uses to recognize faces also recognize particles?
Technicians, engineers and scientists have draped the MicroBooNE detector at Fermilab in a shiny new exterior that helps scientists separate cosmic ray signals from neutrino signals.
A doctoral student and his adviser designed a tabletop particle detector they hope to make accessible to budding young engineering physicists.
Scientists are using a plastic robot and hair-thin pieces of metal to ready a magnet that will hunt for new physics.
Each will receive $2.5 million, distributed over five years, to advance their work at the laboratory.
The recently installed ANNIE neutrino experiment at Fermilab will use a new kind of detector to get a fine-grain view of neutrino-nucleon interactions.