Inspired by the achievements of Jim Gates, currently Ford Foundation professor and director of the Brown University Theoretical Physics Center, the new Fermilab Sylvester James Gates, Jr. Fellowship prioritizes the inclusion of first-generation college graduates, and the representation of historically and contemporarily minoritized individuals underrepresented in theoretical physics.
From Queen Mary University of London, April 26, 2021: Fermilab scientist Dr. Kirsty Duffy was awarded the Ernest Rutherford Fellowship from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to establish a new research group working on MicroBooNE at Queen Mary University of London. Duffy will continue to host the Even Bananas video series which explores neutrinos until the end of the year.
A new fellowship created by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory will provide engineering students in underrepresented groups in STEM immersive learning experiences on world-leading particle accelerator projects at Fermilab, starting with the new PIP-II accelerator that will power the world’s most intense neutrino beam. Applications for 2022 open September 2021.
From AAAS, Nov. 26, 2019: Fermilab scientist Vladimir Shiltsev has been elected a AAAS fellow. Fellows are elected each year by their peers serving on the Council of AAAS, the organization’s member-run governing body. The 2019 group will receive official certificates and rosette pins in gold and blue, colors symbolizing science and engineering, in a ceremony on Feb. 15, 2020, during the AAAS Annual Meeting in Seattle.
From University of Chicago news, Nov. 20, 2017: Fermilab scientist Marcela Carena is among the University of Chicago faculty named AAAS fellow.