NMSU physicist may have evidence of the elusive sterile neutrino
From the Las Cruces Sun News, July 21, 2018: NMSU’s Department of Physics contributes to the Fermilab MiniBooNE neutrino experiment.
981 - 990 of 1786 results
From the Las Cruces Sun News, July 21, 2018: NMSU’s Department of Physics contributes to the Fermilab MiniBooNE neutrino experiment.
From Dallas News, June 28, 2018: UT Arlington students and scientists work on the Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
From BBC Radio 4, June 28, 2018: In this radio piece, reporter Adam Rutherford explores the ProtoDUNE prototype detector at CERN. Segment begins at 7:10.
Growing up on the Crow reservation in Montana inspired JoRee LaFrance to pursue a career in hydrology.
A new review in Nature chronicles the many ways machine learning is popping up in particle physics research.
From Brown University, July 18, 2018: Meenakshi Narain will lead the collaboration board for U.S. institutions participating in the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Fermilab is the U.S. center for research at CMS.
From Frontline, July 19, 2018: The Indian magazine gives an overview of the Muon g-2 experiment.
Experience gained during the construction of prototype detectors paves the way toward the final design of the DUNE detectors.
From Agência FAPESP, July 19, 2018: Uma parceria duradoura entre a comunidade científica brasileira e o Fermilab está se tornando mais forte, graças aos programas da FAPESP de financiamento à pesquisa.