
A cartoon-style illustration of a gray outdoor staircase with ornate serpents, tongues out, as the bannisters. Green grass in front, red and purple lightning shapes striking down all over the illustration.

Physicists and archaeologists are teaming up to provide research opportunities for Black and Hispanic undergraduates to image an archaeological site in Mexico using muon tomography. Fermilab personnel will help with the project, and Fermilab will also produce the scintillators for use in the muon detector.

From Bloomberg, May 8: Michael Bloomberg, founder and owner of Bloomberg News, writes an opinion piece about increased funding for the national labs using the Fermilab Muon g-2 result as an example of the federal government’s investment in the lab’s and the long-term results of research and collaborative experiments.

From the CERN Courier, May 3, 2021: Fermilab’s Muon g-2 result announcement strengthened the longstanding tension between the measured and predicted values of the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment.

An image of a man in glasses and a purple shirt, Dr. Clifford Johnson, is overlaid on an illustration of comic strips. The panels include a hand writing equations on a whiteboard, an Agent Carter script, textbooks, and a male superhero talking to a person in a dress with the speech bubbles blank and formulas being written beside them.

Theoretical physicist Clifford Johnson answers questions about his work in science and outreach, including advising on movies like Avengers: Endgame.