
From the Chicago Quantum Exchange, Oct. 29, 2020: Quantum technology experts from around the country will convene virtually from Nov. 11-13 to forge new partnerships amid an exciting year for quantum research. The third annual Chicago Quantum Summit will feature Anna Grassellino, director of the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center at Fermilab.

Department of Energy officials have formally signed off on project completion for LUX-ZEPLIN, or LZ: an ultrasensitive experiment that will use 10 metric tons of liquid xenon to hunt for signals of interactions with theorized dark matter particles called WIMPs.

From Next Avenue, Oct. 26, 2020: Many older scientists stay on the job for reasons such as greater flexibility to do their work, ongoing funding for research projects and just an inherent love of science. Fermilab scientist emeritus Chris Quigg is one of three impressive researchers featured in this article on scientists over 65.

From Northern Star, Oct. 26, 2020: Northern Illinois University’s STEM Fest features presentations and activities for all ages, including opportunities to chat with STEM experts from Fermilab and Argonne.

From Center for Data Innovation, Oct. 23, 2020: Fermilab Deputy Director Joe Lykken participates in a panel discussion on the impact quantum computing will have on AI and which sectors might benefit the most from their marriage. A video of the discussion is available in the post.

From Rai Play Radio, Oct. 23, 2020: Si è aperto ieri il Festival della Scienza di Genova, un’occasione per chiamare a raccolta scienziati da tutti il mondo in un momento così complicato. Per ragionare sul ruolo della scienza in questa pandemia e sugli scenari futuri della ricerca. Tra i protagonisti di questa edizione Anna Grassellino, vice direttrice dell’area tecnologia del Fermilab di Chicago, e a capo del progetto di computer quantistico Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, e Alessandro Vespignani.

From Quanta Magazine, Oct. 22, 2020: Quanta Magazine creates a new visual representation of the Standard Model, building on a scheme developed by Fermilab scientist Chris Quigg.