From the atmosphere to the underground
Read the travelogue of a xenon atom as it journeys from the air we breathe to a dark-matter detector a mile underground.
151 - 160 of 609 results
Read the travelogue of a xenon atom as it journeys from the air we breathe to a dark-matter detector a mile underground.
What does it take to envision and build a seemingly impossible particle accelerator? The results of these discussions will shape the next 100 years of particle physics research.
A super-precise experiment at Fermilab is carefully analyzing every detail of the muon’s magnetic moment. The Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration has announced it will present its first result at 10 a.m. CDT on April 7.
A degree in particle physics or astrophysics can lead to a career in data science. Physicists know how to take enormous amounts of raw data and use it to address a question—often approaching it from multiple angles before finding the answer.
Researchers make progress on a vexing problem about how black holes evolve.
Learn about the Standard Model of particle physics and how physicists use it to predict the (subatomic) future.
Steve Tammes’ love of physics began with his grandfather’s tales about Fermilab.
Today, more than 90% of the indexed articles in the natural sciences are published in English. That wasn’t always the case.
Higgs-boson pairs could help scientists understand the stability of our universe. The trick is finding them.
Missing visits to the museum? Or in need of some home-school activities? Check out these five do-it-yourself physics demos from Ketevan Akhobadze, an exhibit developer for the Lederman Science Center at Fermilab.