NIU students lend their engineering skills to PIP-II
Senior engineering students designed a portable cleanroom and a modular cryomodule mockup for Fermilab’s new accelerator complex upgrade project.
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Senior engineering students designed a portable cleanroom and a modular cryomodule mockup for Fermilab’s new accelerator complex upgrade project.
A postdoc on the PIP-II project, Pathak works on beam dynamics and also enjoys riding his bike around Fermilab and admiring the blue sky of the Illinois prairieland.
The CDF experiment at Fermilab measured the mass of the W boson and came up with an answer that no one expected.
Astronomers have unveiled the first image of the supermassive black hole at the center of our own Milky Way galaxy. This result provides overwhelming evidence that the object is indeed a black hole and yields valuable clues about the workings of such giants, which are thought to reside at the center of most galaxies.
The facility, LCLS-II, will soon sharpen our view of how nature works on ultrasmall, ultrafast scales, impacting everything from quantum devices to clean energy.
Neglected theories will wilt and wither but can bloom again with enough attention.
Quantum computing experiments now have a new control and readout electronics option that will significantly improve performance while replacing cumbersome and expensive systems. Developed by a team of engineers at Fermilab in collaboration with the University of Chicago, the Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit, or QICK for short, is easily scalable.
Scientists worried Higgs pairs would be too rare for LHC experiments to find. But by using machine learning, they now are getting tantalizingly close.
CERN’s accelerators and the LHC’s detectors have undergone major upgrades that will allow scientists to collect more data in the upcoming run than they did in the previous two runs combined.
Levernier shares his passion for the environment, birding and prairie restoration at Fermilab.