11 - 20 of 41 results

Cool and dry: a revolutionary method for cooling a superconducting accelerator cavity

For the first time, a team at Fermilab has cooled and operated a superconducting radio-frequency cavity — a crucial component of superconducting particle accelerators — using cryogenic refrigerators, breaking the tradition of cooling cavities by immersing them in a bath of liquid helium. The demonstration is a major breakthrough in the effort to develop lean, compact accelerators for medicine, the environment and industry.

Two students awarded DOE Graduate Student Research fellowships

Two students have received the prestigious DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research fellowships to conduct their research at Fermilab. The goal of the program is to prepare graduate students for STEM careers critically important to the Office of Science mission by providing graduate thesis research opportunities at DOE laboratories.

Where physics (still) doesn’t work: the global quest to solve the universe’s enduring mysteries

    From the World Conference of Science Journalists, Aug. 26, 2019: In this video, Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer participates in a panel discussion on the big questions that remain unexplained today regarding the origin, nature and ultimate fate of the universe. The other panelists are CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti, French National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics Director Reynald Pain, and University of Zürich Professor Laura Baudis. Physics Today’s Toni Feder) moderates.

    Ultracool engineering: Worldwide experts gather at Fermilab for first international workshop on cryogenic electronics for quantum systems

    Today’s quantum computing processors must operate at temperature close to absolute zero, and that goes for their electronics, too. Fermilab’s cryoelectronics experts recently hosted a first-of-its-kind workshop where leaders in quantum technologies took on the challenges of designing computer processors and sensors that work at ultracold temperatures.