761 - 770 of 2112 results

Pesquisadores querem ação coordenada de financiamento na América Latina

    From Agência FAPESP, May 1, 2019: Na última década foi iniciada, em diferentes países da América Latina, a operação de grandes infraestruturas de pesquisa, como o maior observatório de raios cósmicos do mundo, o Pierre Auger, na Argentina, e o Observatório Cherenkov de Água de Alta Altitude, no México. Nos próximos anos, devem ser concluídas as obras do Sirius – a nova fonte brasileira de luz síncrotron – e do Laboratório Argentino de Feixes de Nêutrons.

    First baby bison of year born at Fermilab

      From Patch.com, April 29, 2019: Fermilab offers several annual traditions for our neighbors, from our Family Open House to our STEM Career Expo. But none are quite as anticipated as the birth of the year’s first baby bison. On April 20, baby bison season officially began. The first calf of the year was born in the early morning hours, and mother and baby are doing well.

      The unseen progress of the LHC

        It’s not always about what you discover. The LHC research program is famous for discovering and studying the long-sought Higgs boson. But out of the spotlight, scientists have been using the LHC for an equally important scientific endeavor: testing, constraining and eliminating hundreds of theories that propose solutions to outstanding problems in physics, such as why the force of gravity is so much weaker than other known forces like electromagnetism.

        First baby bison born at Fermilab herd this spring

          From CBS Chicago, April 26, 2019: Officials say the calf was born on April 20, one of 12 to 14 expected this spring. The public is welcome to photograph and see the herd at the lab in Batavia, about 35 miles (56 kilometers) west of downtown Chicago. Admission is free.

          Existing spaces a mile underground on the 4850 Level are being rehabbed to prepare for the excavation of the LBNF caverns. The space shown here is the area that will be used for loading rock into the buckets (“skips”) to transport it up the Ross Shaft. Credit: Fermilab

          Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility pre-excavation work is in full swing

          Excavating about 800,000 tons of rock a mile underground, bringing it to the surface, and then transporting it to its final resting place is a huge job and part of the LBNF/DUNE project. Creating the infrastructure for that job is a huge amount of work by itself and is going on right now.