In the news

From Wired, Sept. 22, 2020: After repurposing facial recognition technology to study galaxies and the Higgs boson, physicists think they can help shape the responsible use of AI. Fermilab scientist Brian Nord talks about how these technologies advance fundamental science and the ethical implications of their use.

From Scientific American, Sept. 22, 2020: The Chinese JUNO experiment will aim to answer a mystery about the particles’ mass. It will be joined by the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment later this decade in its search for answers that neutrinos can provide. Fermilab Deputy Director Joe Lykken weighs in on how neutrinos will address the universe’s pressing questions.

From La Repubblica, Aug. 28, 2020: Anna Grassellino, 39 anni di Marsala, coordina duecento scienziati a Chicago per realizzare un obiettivo sul quale la Cina ha investito 10 miliardi. “E’ una questione di sicurezza nazionale, ma io mi occupo di scienza. Mi piace ascoltare le risposte che dà la natura alle nostre domande.”

From Brookhaven National Laboratory, Sept. 17, 2020: Brookhaven theorists publish an improved prediction for the tiny difference in kaon decays observed by experiments. Understanding these decays and comparing the prediction with more recent state-of-the-art experimental measurements made at Fermilab and CERN gives scientists a way to test for tiny differences between matter and antimatter.

From Spektrum, Sept. 16, 2020: Mit neuen Experimenten wollen Forscher herausfinden, ob es eine vierte Variante des Neutrinos gibt. Sollte sie existieren, könnte das Einblicke in den rätselhaften dunklen Sektor des Universums erlauben.

From Chicago Gallery News, Sept. 15, 2020: The exhibit “Unexpected: Lisa Goesling & Deanna Krueger” starts at the Fermilab Art Gallery on Sept. 16. While Goesling and Krueger use different materials, they both approach their art with a sense of wonder. What evolves is an energy that is not only seen but also felt.

From Página 12, Sept. 12, 2020: Recibió el reconocimiento “Nuevos Horizontes en Física 2021” en el marco de los premios Breakthrough. Se recibió en la UBA y desde hace años investiga en el Fermilab de Chicago, el laboratorio de física de partículas más importante de Estados Unidos.

From Building, Design and Construction, Sept. 14, 2020: This fall, construction is scheduled to begin on the Integrated Engineering Research Center, an 85,000-square-foot infrastructure project at Fermilab. Lots of natural light and hybrid labs will distinguish the new center.