From GED to PhD November 8, 2018 CERNpeopleSymmetry feature Physicist Kira Burt dropped out of school at 16. Now she teaches students that anyone can be a scientist.
Fermilab’s recruitment of veterans is a win-win for everyone November 8, 2018 diversity equity and inclusionveteransPress release Fermilab has expanded its VetTech internship program, seeking out veterans for technical and computing positions across the laboratory.
Fermilab’s leadership in quantum science on display at Chicago Quantum Summit from Nov. 8-9 November 7, 2018 ArgonneChicago Quantum Exchangequantum information sciencequantum scienceUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignFermilab feature One of the core institutions that form the Chicago Quantum Exchange, Fermilab is at the cutting edge of quantum science, developing quantum sensors, communication systems and physics algorithms for science and society.
The quest to test quantum entanglement November 6, 2018 quantum entanglementSymmetry feature Quantum entanglement, doubted by Einstein, has passed increasingly stringent tests.
Universities, national laboratories join forces to push Chicago into lead on quantum technology October 30, 2018 ArgonneChicago Quantum Exchangequantum information sciencequantum scienceUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignFermilab feature Collaboration is the first step in broad partnership between Fermilab, Argonne, University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
They did the smash – they did the Proton Smash October 30, 2018 holidaySymmetry feature Add some science to your Halloween!
One minute with Marcellus Parker, engineering physicist October 26, 2018 peopleFermilab feature When he isn’t working on magnets for the Large Hadron Collider, Parker loves talking to people about technical topics in everyday language.
Already beyond the Standard Model October 25, 2018 Daya BayDouble ChoozICARUSIceCubeLos AlamosLSNDMicroBooNEMiniBooNEMINOSneutrinoNOvARENOSBNSBNDShort-Baseline Near DetectorShort-Baseline Neutrino programSNOSuperKSymmetry feature We already know neutrinos break the mold of the Standard Model. The question is: By how much?
Nhan Tran awarded APS 2019 Primakoff Award October 24, 2018 awardCMSpeopleFermilab feature He received the award for wide-ranging contributions to the CMS experiment.
The building boom October 23, 2018 ADMXBerkeley LabCaliforniaCanadaCERNcollaborationDark Energy Spectroscopic InstrumentDeep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDESIDUNEHigh-Luminosity LHCHL-LHCinternationalityLBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityLSSTLUX-ZEPLINLZMu2eMuon g-2PIP-IISLACSNOLABSuperCDMSSwitzerlandUniversity of WashingtonWashingtonSymmetry feature These international projects, selected during the process to plan the future of U.S. particle physics, are all set to come online within the next 10 years.