Fermilab’s 11th employee November 9, 2017 artartsculturehistorypeopleSymmetry feature Fantastical designs elevate physics in works by Fermilab’s first artist.
International Committee for Future Accelerators weighs in on International Linear Collider November 9, 2017 ICFAILCInternational Linear ColliderFermilab feature After its most recent meeting, the committee released a statement on the future collider and its importance to the future of particle physics.
Charles Thangaraj receives Accelerator Stewardship grant for water treatment project November 8, 2017 accelerator R&Daccelerator technologytechnology transferFermilab feature The money will further a novel conceptual technique for Chicago water treatment with high-power electron beams.
An international celebration of dark matter November 6, 2017 Symmetry feature Around the world, scientists and nonscientists alike celebrated the first international Dark Matter Day.
Main Ring period: The darkest-turned-happiest days at Fermilab November 6, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature Early in the history of the Main Ring accelerator, determined Fermilab crews walked the accelerator from what seemed to be the brink of failure.
This month in Fermilab history: November November 1, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature Neutrinos made several November debuts at Fermilab.
Fermilab expands international partnerships October 31, 2017 AustraliaBrazilcollaborationDeep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNEdune-internationalFranceGermanyinternational engagementinternationalityLBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityMexiconeutrinoSpainFermilab feature As the lab builds an international neutrino science portfolio, new partnership agreements have been signed with institutions in six countries.
How is the Force like dark matter? October 31, 2017 dark matterSymmetry feature For Dark Matter Day, scientist and Star Wars fan Dan McKinsey talks dark matter and the Force.
Fermilab hosts a new kind of workshop for educators October 26, 2017 educationprofessional developmentSTEMFermilab feature The workshop encouraged educators to interact with each other as learner, teacher and professional development provider.
Speak physics: What is a cross section? October 24, 2017 cross sectionSymmetry feature Cross sections tell physicists how likely particles are to interact in a given way.