The new technology is a miniaturized version of a sensor developed for the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. But instead of being used for discovery science, the sensors are developed to screen cargo by detecting muons, particles that penetrate materials such as concrete and lead. Scientists at Fermilab, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Nevada National Security Site designed, assembled and tested the small, slim sensors, which could replace bulkier screening technologies.
detector technology
From Gasworld: Jan. 1, 2019: Trade publication Gasworld published a three-page cover story on DUNE, focusing on the experiment’s use of liquid argon. Print edition only.
From Kane County Connects, Dec. 4, 2018: Illinois media marvels at the 25-foot-high thermometer built for ProtoDUNE.
From FAPAESP’s Pesquisa, Oct. 18, 2018: Em meados de setembro, partículas vindas do espaço começaram a atravessar um tanque em forma de cubo com 6 metros de altura, instalado na Cern, na Suíça, e deixar rastros de luz que foram captados por detectores criados no Brasil.