‘Rock star of neutrinos’ to appear on ‘Nova’
From the Daily Herald, September 30, 2021: From Glenbrook South high school to the deputy head of the Neutrino Division, an interview with Fermilab rock star Sam Zeller.
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From the Daily Herald, September 30, 2021: From Glenbrook South high school to the deputy head of the Neutrino Division, an interview with Fermilab rock star Sam Zeller.
From La Repubblica (Italy), September 30, 2021: Fermilab has recently started the development of a quantum computer with performances that go well beyond those of currently existing quantum computers. This project is being lead by Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino, who also graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pisa.
This summer, a team of scientists, engineers and technicians finished installing one of the main components that will create the strong electric field within the Short-Baseline Near Detector. Now they are getting ready to assemble the rest of the detector.
From Inverse, Sept. 28, 2021: Suspect number one at the center of the particle-filled mystery? The humble muon.
Scientists at CERN began studying the magnetism of muons in the 1950s, but in the 1990s this research moved stateside, first to Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island until 2001 and now to Fermilab.
The NOvA collaboration has released the result of its latest measurement of neutrino oscillations. The results provide greater insight into neutrino properties, specifically mass ordering and charge parity symmetry.
Over time, particle physics and astrophysics and computing have built upon one another’s successes. That coevolution continues today. New physics experiments require computing innovation, including cluster computing for the Tevatron, and more recently machine learning and quantum problem-solving.
From CERN Courier, September 27, 2021: Fermilab’s Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) is relying on international collaborations to shape the future of accelerator-based particle physics in the U.S. Lia Merminga and Eduard Pozdeyev provide an insider take.
From Phys.org, September 23, 2021: The Dark Energy Camera, developed and tested at Fermilab, captured images of the
the Fornax Cluster which is about 60 million light-years from Earth. It sits large in the night sky, stretching across more than 100 times larger than the full moon.
From Illinois Tech, September 16, 2021: Former Fermilab director and Nobel Prize winner Leon Lederman had a portion of 33rd Street in Chicago renamed in his honor on Saturday, September 18, at an event hosted by IIT. Lederman won the 1988 Nobel Prize in Physics and is best known for his work on neutrino research. He was director of Fermilab from 1979 to 1989.
From the Cornell Chronicle, September 20, 2021: A collaboration of researchers led by Cornell has been awarded $22.5 million by the NSF to continue research needed to transform the brightness of electron beams. Fermilab scientists Sergei Nagaitsev and Sam Posen are part of the collaboration team working with Cornell to improve the performance and reduce the cost of accelerator technologies that would improve beams for tumor treatment, imaging individual atoms, instruments for wafer metrology, and the Large Hadron Collider.