
From the California News Times, June 9, 2021: There is a new robotics project at Fermilab called Argonaut and its mission is to sail into a sea of liquid argon kept at minus 193 degrees Celsius to monitor the condition inside the ultra-low temperature particle detector.

An illustration. I person stands inside a giant, hollow gold cube and sends a signal using a device to another device on the left side of the screen that is close up and held in a hand. The close-up device says "counting" and has some numbers. In the bottom right-hand corner, it says LBNF/DUNE.

When studying mysterious subatomic particles, researchers at SURF in South Dakota use a different kind of particle detector, particle counters, to prevent run-of-the-mill dust particles from creating background noise and obscuring results.

From the Dallas Morning News, June 13, 2021: The results of the April 7 Muon g-2 result strongly disagreed with the standard model and it is incumbent upon us now to explain this observation, writes Stephen Sekula, chair of physics and an associate professor of experimental particle physics at Southern Methodist University.

From Kathimerini (Greece), June 14, 2021: A multinational team of 400 researchers from 25 research centers in seven countries announced the results of the DES study that looked at 226 million galaxies and thousands of supernova explosions. The DES measurements, like those of other similar galactic surveys, informed us that the current universe is less dense than our model predicts.

From NSF’s NOIRLab, June 8, 2021: The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) built and tested by Fermilab, one of the most powerful digital cameras in the world, has taken its one-millionth exposure. DECam’s million exposures include science observations as well as test and calibration exposures taken by the camera while it was being fine-tuned after its construction and installation on the Blanco telescope in 2012.