From CERN, March 16, 2021: The collaboration of TOTEM researchers at CERN and DØ researchers at Fermilab have discovered the oddereon – an elusive three-gluon state predicted almost 50 years ago.
From Mirage, March 15, 2021: Sam Posen, scientist and deputy division head at Fermi and affiliate at CBB is included this story on creating more environmentally friendly accelerators for the future.
From La Nazione Pisa, March 15, 2021: The center directed by Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino has the task of developing a state-of-the-art quantum computer with unprecedented performances based on superconducting technologies.
From, March 15, 2021: Fermilab’s SeaQuest experiment is hailed for discovering a “sea” of quarks surging inside the proton.
From Lab Mate, March 13, 2021: Learn more about the detectors being developed for the DUNE project at STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory, the biggest non-US contributor to this global experiment.
From DOE, March 11, 2021: Jessica Esquivel of Fermilab was included among five women working in the U.S. DOE national laboratories inspiring STEM careers for women and acting as ambassadors in AAAS’s IF/THEN Ambassadors program.
From the CERN Courier, March 9, 2021: The discovery of an odderon, predicted to exist almost 50 years ago, was the result of a collaboration between CERN and Fermilab using data from the Large Hadron Collider as well as Fermilab’s DZero experiment. The results were presented at a CERN physics talk and are reported in a joint publication on the observations that were made in December 2020.