
From DOE, March 11, 2021: Jessica Esquivel of Fermilab was included among five women working in the U.S. DOE national laboratories inspiring STEM careers for women and acting as ambassadors in AAAS’s IF/THEN Ambassadors program.

An experiment that will contribute vital knowledge about something deceptively simple – a proton’s spin – will soon come online at Fermilab. The experiment may either begin to validate the “potato salad” model of proton spin or force scientists to develop a new model entirely.

From the CERN Courier, March 9, 2021: The discovery of an odderon, predicted to exist almost 50 years ago, was the result of a collaboration between CERN and Fermilab using data from the Large Hadron Collider as well as Fermilab’s DZero experiment. The results were presented at a CERN physics talk and are reported in a joint publication on the observations that were made in December 2020.