
81 - 90 of 3064 results

Series empowers emerging scientific leaders across university, national labs

    From the University of Chicago, Office of Science, Innovation, National Laboratories and Global Initiatives: The Leadership Academy for Women in Science and Engineering task force brought together a cohort of high-potential women from Argonne, Fermilab and the University of Chicago for a new leadership development series to encourage and develop talented scientific leaders of the future. Panelists included Fermilab’s Bonnie Fleming and Lia Merminga. Merminga hopes to help encourage more females to join the filed of physics through support of LAWISE and other programs.

    Lab, scientists celebrate successful test for DUNE experiment

      From the Black Hills Pioneer, November 12, 2022: How do you fit a 3.5 ton piece of steel that is 6 meters long and 2.5 meters wide safely down the Ross Shaft at Sanford Lab? Justin Evans, a professor at Manchester University, explains how the anode plane assembly traveled from the UK to Lead, SD and its roles as a key component to the DUNE experiment.

      Fermilab receives Inflation Reduction Act funding

      The U.S. Department of Energy allocated funds to its 17 national laboratories from the Inflation Reduction Act to mitigate the rise of project costs as a result of inflation. Fermilab will spend the funding on the lab’s on-going construction projects. This will allow the lab’s major projects to uphold their schedules and keep their commitment to international collaborators.