New MicroBooNE analysis takes a closer look at the sterile neutrino October 31, 2022 MicroBooNEsterile neutrinoFermilab feature The MicroBooNE collaboration at Fermilab has released a new analysis of their neutrino data. The result provides constraints on a model that assumes the existence of a sterile neutrino to explain anomalies in neutrino measurements by other experiments.
Largest potentially hazardous asteroid detected in 8 years October 31, 2022 DECamFermilab feature Twilight observations from Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory spot three, large near-Earth objects lurking in the inner solar system.
The smoke in the sky is a good sign October 21, 2022 ecologyprescribed burnsFermilab feature Fermilab’s Roads and Grounds team use prescribed burns to restore land around the lab.
Fermilab appointed new chief engineer to usher in the next era of physics research October 14, 2022 engineeringpeopleFermilab feature Mayling Wong-Squires has been named chief engineer at Fermilab.
Three students awarded DOE Graduate Student Research Fellowships October 10, 2022 DOEfellowshipFermilab feature The students received the prestigious U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award to conduct their doctoral research at Fermilab.
New research center raises bar in Fermilab’s mission to go green October 6, 2022 Edwards CentersustainabilityFermilab feature The addition of a new research facility on site is a landmark for both engineering and sustainability.
15 spectacular photos from the Dark Energy Camera October 4, 2022 astrophysicsDark Energy CameraDark Energy SurveyDESFermilab feature The powerful camera built for the Dark Energy Survey has taken more than 1 million photos from its perch in Chile. Here are some of the best.
Jens Koch named new deputy director of SQMS Center September 26, 2022 SQMSSQMS CenterFermilab feature Koch has assumed the leadership role previously held by Jim Sauls, who will remain active at SQMS.
Fermilab announces Bonnie Fleming as new deputy director and chief research officer September 15, 2022 leadershipFermilab feature Effective Sept. 6, Bonnie Fleming stepped into her new role, responsible for leading all areas of science and technology.
Delegation from French national research institute IN2P3 visits Fermilab September 15, 2022 tourVIPFermilab feature Fermilab welcomed IN2P3 director Reynald Pain and four other members of his leadership team on Sept. 2. IN2P3 is a major partner of the PIP-II particle accelerator project and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.