The 3-ton ruler
A specialized measuring machine at SLAC is helping scientists build precise detectors for the ATLAS experiment.
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A specialized measuring machine at SLAC is helping scientists build precise detectors for the ATLAS experiment.
DESI, an instrument to help scientists get to the bottom of the dark energy mystery, is getting a little help from Fermilab.
Some scientists spend decades trying to catch a glimpse of a rare process. But with good experimental design and a lot of luck, they often need only a handful of signals to make a discovery.
Work has begun on an upgrade to the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
Watch SLAC theorist Lance Dixon write out a new formula that will contribute to a better understanding of certain particle collisions.
This neutrino-watchers season preview will give you the rundown on what to expect to come out of neutrino research in the coming years.
Fermilab is providing technology and expertise for the SuperCDMS SNOLAB project, which will expand the hunt for dark matter to particles with properties not visible to any other experiment.
From Astronomy Now, April 10, 2018: Researchers at the University of California at Berkeleysuccessfully adapted superconducting quantum interference devices, or SQUIDs, for use in the Axion Dark Matter Experiment at University of Washington. Fermilab is a collaborating institution on ADMX.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will track billions of objects for 10 years, creating unprecedented opportunities for studies of cosmic mysteries.
New result draws on 30 years of research and development and begins the definitive search for axion particles.