Fisica: Italia e USA firmano l’accordo per il nuovo acceleratore PIP-II
From MeteoWeb, Dec. 5, 2018: L’Italia con l’INFN fornirè contributi determinanti per la costruzione dell’acceleratore di particelle che sarà il fulcro del progetto PIP-II
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From MeteoWeb, Dec. 5, 2018: L’Italia con l’INFN fornirè contributi determinanti per la costruzione dell’acceleratore di particelle che sarà il fulcro del progetto PIP-II
The agreement launches a multinational collaboration to build a powerful new accelerator at DOE’s Fermilab complex. Italy and its National Institute of Nuclear Physics will provide major contributions to the construction of the 176-meter-long superconducting particle accelerator that is the centerpiece of the PIP-II project.
These international projects, selected during the process to plan the future of U.S. particle physics, are all set to come online within the next 10 years.
From Agencia FAPESP, Aug. 8, 2018: A longstanding partnership between the Brazilian scientific community and Fermilab is getting stronger, thanks in part to FAPESP’s research funding programs.
Experience gained during the construction of prototype detectors paves the way toward the final design of the DUNE detectors.
From Agência FAPESP, July 19, 2018: Uma parceria duradoura entre a comunidade científica brasileira e o Fermilab está se tornando mais forte, graças aos programas da FAPESP de financiamento à pesquisa.
A program funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation supports scientists and students to engage with Fermilab’s neutrino program.
From Meteoweb, June 30, 2018: Accordo tra Stati Uniti e Italia per lo Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN), che sarà il progetto americano di punta per la ricerca sui neutrini.
On June 28, the U.S. Department of Energy and the Italian Embassy signed an agreement for collaboration on research with the international Short-Baseline Neutrino program hosted at Fermilab.
Ronald Shellard, director of the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics, discusses the past, present and future of Brazil-Fermilab scientific collaboration.