Heard of a muon?
From Portable TV, I Don’t Understand, July 18, 2021: William Shatner interviews Saskia Charity of Fermilab on what is a muon and the meaning of the Muon g-2 experiment result.
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From Portable TV, I Don’t Understand, July 18, 2021: William Shatner interviews Saskia Charity of Fermilab on what is a muon and the meaning of the Muon g-2 experiment result.
This spring testing wrapped up at the PIP-II Injector Test Facility, or PIP2IT. The successful outcome paves the way for the construction of PIP-II, a new particle accelerator that will power record-breaking neutrino beams and drive a broad physics research program at Fermilab for the next 50 years.
From CNN, July 19, 2021: Fermilab senior scientist Don Lincoln explores the rise and fascination with commercial space exploration by billionaires and “space tourism.”
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, travel bans and stay-at-home orders meant astrophysicists collaborating on the Dark Energy Survey needed to find a new way to conduct their observations using the Dark Energy Camera.
Fermilab signed three international arrangements in June with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, known as INFN. The three arrangements are related to Fermilab’s Short Baseline Neutrino Program, the PIP-II particle accelerator and the EuPRAXIA advanced accelerator project.
From Interesting Engineering, July 14, 2021: Particle physicist Chris Quigg from Fermilab, came up with the “double simplex” representation in 2005 to help familiarize people with the known particles of nature.
Fast electronics and artificial intelligence are helping physicists working on experiments with massive amounts of data, such as the CMS experiment, decide which data to keep and which to throw away.
From Sanford Lab, July 2021: Explore all the Neutrino Day events July 9-10 to talk with scientists, participate in interactive activities, experience weird science demonstrations, take virtual tours of the underground, and visit the art gallery and library—all in real time! Use the free and simple platform, Gather.town, to virtually go to Neutrino Day town where you can enjoy the events and interact with others as you would in real life.
From Silicon Republic (Ireland), July 7, 2021: Sinéad Ryan, a professor of theoretical high-energy physics at Trinity College Dublin, describes her postdoctoral research work on lattice QCD at Fermilab, the next-generation of exascale computing and the structural barriers and imbalance of diversity in the physics community.
From Sanford Lab, July 6, 2021: Celebrate Neutrino Day with SURF’s Star Chronicles on Friday, July 9, and Saturday, July 10. See the line-up of virtual events streaming through Gather.town, a free and simple platform, where attendees can explore the events and interact with others as they would in real life.