Show your affection with physics valentines February 13, 2018 holidayFermilab feature When it comes to love, sometimes you have to say it with science.
In photos: Fermilab Family Open House on Feb. 11 February 13, 2018 Family Open Houseopen houseoutreachFermilab feature The event included opportunities to talk with lab employees, a panel discussion, tours, a physics carnival and a liquid-nitrogen show.
Installation phase of next-generation dark energy experiment begins February 12, 2018 ArizonaastrophysicsBerkeley LabCaliforniadark energyDESIHarvard UniversityKitt Peak National ObservatoryMassachusettsSLACUnited KingdomPress release Installation has begun for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, a next-generation astrophysics tool. Fermilab is managing key parts of the construction of the instrument, which will begin its five-year observation run in 2019.
Subatomic Smackdown February 9, 2018 Symmetry feature When it comes to talent, versatility and the power to change the world, which atomic particle is the champ? Read what our four contenders have to say—then you decide.
Coding has no gender February 9, 2018 peopleSTEMFermilab feature With Feb. 11 marking the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, female physicists, engineers and computer scientists from CERN and Fermilab share their experiences of building a career in science.
Learning to speak quantum February 6, 2018 CaliforniaCaltechcomputingquantum computingquantum sensorSymmetry feature Particle physicists are studying ways to harness the power of the quantum realm to further their research.
Fermilab's Muon g-2 experiment officially starts up February 6, 2018 BrookhavenMuon g-2New YorkUniversity of WashingtonWashingtonFermilab feature The experiment aims for unprecedented precision in measuring an important property of the muon, one that could open a window into new physics.
At the intersection of science and architecture February 6, 2018 architectureartsICARUSneutrinoSBNSBNDShort-Baseline Near DetectorShort-Baseline Neutrino programFermilab feature Fermilab’s Short-Baseline Neutrino program buildings, which translate the requirements of neutrino experiments into architecture, win ALA Gold Award.
Sterile neutrino sleuths January 30, 2018 CERNDeep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNEICARUSIllinoisItalyLBNFliquid argonLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityLos Alamos National LaboratoryMicroBooNEMiniBooNEneutrinoNew MexicoSBNSBNDShort-Baseline Neutrino programSwitzerlandUnited KingdomUniversity of ChicagoSymmetry feature Meet the detectors of Fermilab’s Short-Baseline Neutrino Program, hunting for signs of a possible fourth type of neutrino.
Muon machine makes milestone magnetic map January 29, 2018 ArgonneBrookhavenIllinoisItalyMassachusettsMichiganMuon g-2New YorkSouth KoreaUnited KingdomUniversity of MassachusettsUniversity of MichiganFermilab feature The Muon g-2 team has begun the important step of measuring the experiment’s magnetic field to unprecedented precision.