Turning up the luminosity: Fermilab contributes important CMS upgrades April 19, 2018 CMSHigh-Luminosity LHCHL-LHCLarge Hadron ColliderLHCFermilab feature Fermilab helps build a tracker more sensitive than ever before for the CMS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.
It's baby bison time at Fermilab! April 18, 2018 bisonenvironmentPress release On Wednesday, April 18, baby bison season officially began at Fermilab. The first calf of the year was born in the early morning hours, with a second appearing before noon. Neighbors are welcome to visit with the newborns.
U.S., India sign agreement providing for neutrino physics collaboration at Fermilab and in India April 16, 2018 Deep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNEdune-internationalIndiaIndia-Based Neutrino ObservatoryinternationalityLBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityneutrinoPress release U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry and India’s Atomic Energy Secretary Sekhar Basu signed an agreement that opens the way for jointly advancing LBNF/DUNE.
Tricia Vahle elected new co-spokesperson of NOvA experiment April 12, 2018 neutrinoNOvApeopleFermilab feature The William & Mary professor will help lead the neutrino program into the future.
Aiming at a target: the science of particle production April 11, 2018 accelerator researchaccelerator scienceDeep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNELBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityneutrinoNOvAtargetryFermilab feature In particle physics, the target is the site of particle creation. It’s a straightforward role with complex considerations.
ADMX announces breakthrough in axion dark matter detection technology April 9, 2018 ADMXaxionBrookhavenCaliforniadark matterFloridaLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryNew YorkPacific Northwest National LaboratoryUniversity of FloridaUniversity of RochesterUniversity of WashingtonWashingtonPress release New result draws on 30 years of research and development and begins the definitive search for axion particles.
Neutrino experiment at Fermilab delivers an unprecedented measurement April 6, 2018 ArgonneIllinoisIndianaIndiana UniversityLos Alamos National LaboratoryMichiganMiniBooNEneutrinoNew MexicoresultUniversity of MichiganFermilab feature MiniBooNE scientists discover a way to eliminate a major source of uncertainty in subatomic measurements with muon neutrinos.
Fermilab to host Photowalk for photographers on July 28 March 14, 2018 CERNInteractionsphotographyphotowalkFermilab feature Fermilab will participate in the 2018 Global Physics Photowalk with a local Photowalk on July 28. Registration will open on June 4.
DUNE collaboration elects University of Manchester's Stefan Soldner-Rembold as new co-spokesperson March 13, 2018 Deep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNELBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityneutrinopeopleFermilab feature Soldner-Rembold has experience leading a large collaboration and has been working in neutrino physics for more than a decade.
Lia Merminga to lead Fermilab's next accelerator project March 12, 2018 peopleFermilab feature On March 1, Lia Merminga, an internationally renowned accelerator physicist with leadership experience at three science laboratories, took on the role of project director for the Proton Improvement Plan II.