From turkeys to turn-keys
Researchers demonstrate the cryogen-free operation of a superconducting radio-frequency cavity that might ease barriers to its use in societal applications.
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Researchers demonstrate the cryogen-free operation of a superconducting radio-frequency cavity that might ease barriers to its use in societal applications.
How do you calibrate a probe that is sealed inside a giant liquid-argon neutrino detector?
One of the core institutions that form the Chicago Quantum Exchange, Fermilab is at the cutting edge of quantum science, developing quantum sensors, communication systems and physics algorithms for science and society.
Collaboration is the first step in broad partnership between Fermilab, Argonne, University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
When he isn’t working on magnets for the Large Hadron Collider, Parker loves talking to people about technical topics in everyday language.
Representatives from industry joined physicists to present software and share ideas about the future of quantum science and technology.
Their efforts apply research from multiple disciplines to hunt for dark matter – in particular, the much sought-after axion.
An SRF team at Fermilab has demonstrated record performance from an accelerating cavity using a technique that could lead to significant cost savings for future accelerators.
Leon Lederman, a trailblazing researcher with a passion for science education who served as Fermilab’s director from 1978 to 1989 and won the Nobel Prize for discovery of the muon neutrino, died peacefully on Oct. 3 in Rexburg, Idaho. He was 96.
The new building will provide lab space and serve as a hub for collaboration for international teams of scientists, engineers, and technicians working on several key programs at Fermilab.