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Precision measurements of intracluster light suggest possible link to dark matter

Faint light from rogue stars not bound to galaxies has been something of a mystery to scientists. The dimness of this intracluster light makes it difficult to measure, and no one knows how much there is. Scientists on the Dark Energy Survey, led by Fermilab, have made the most radially extended measurement of this light ever and have found new evidence that its distribution might point to the distribution of dark matter.

Engineers and scientists at Fermilab are designing machine learning programs for the lab’s accelerator complex. These algorithms will enable the laboratory to save energy, give accelerator operators better guidance on maintenance and system performance, and better inform the research timelines of scientists who use the accelerators. The pilot system will used on the Main Injector and Recycler, pictured here. It will eventually be extended to the entire accelerator chain. Photo: Reidar Hahn, Fermilab

Fermilab receives DOE funding to develop machine learning for particle accelerators

Fermilab scientists and engineers are developing a machine learning platform to help run Fermilab’s accelerator complex alongside a fast-response machine learning application for accelerating particle beams. The programs will work in tandem to boost efficiency and energy conservation in Fermilab accelerators.