Cleanroom is a verb
Although they might be invisible to the naked eye, contaminants less than a micron in size can ruin very sensitive experiments in particle physics.
681 - 690 of 699 results
Although they might be invisible to the naked eye, contaminants less than a micron in size can ruin very sensitive experiments in particle physics.
The Proton Improvement Plan II, or PIP-II, is a proposed project to improve Fermilab’s particle accelerator complex with a major hardware overhaul and a powerful boost in its capabilities.
Fermilab’s popularity as a birding site is its diversity of species, a measure of the quality of the habitat. Birders have found 287 bird species at Fermilab.
New technology and new thinking are pushing the dark matter hunt to lower and lower masses.
Members of Fermilab’s Technical Division recently achieved a record-high quality factor with a fully dressed cavity for a SLAC-headed project, Linac Coherent Light Source II.
Not only are we made of fundamental particles, we also produce them and are constantly bombarded by them throughout the day.
The MicroBooNE collaboration announced that it has seen its first neutrinos in the experiment’s newly built detector.
What topic in particle physics are you destined to study? Take the quiz to find out!
These physics-themed jack-o’-lanterns come with extra brains.
The forthcoming Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will kidnap muons and trap them in aluminum atoms. But what exactly happens when you shoot a muon at an aluminum foil? While Mu2e is under construction, its scientists are already getting some valuable answers from a smaller accomplice: AlCap.