Neutrini, l’esperimento lascia l’Abruzzo
From Il Centro, Sept. 7, 2018: Italian media covers the ICARUS neutrino experiment at Fermilab and the collaboration’s partnerships with CERN and Gran Sasso Laboratory.
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From Il Centro, Sept. 7, 2018: Italian media covers the ICARUS neutrino experiment at Fermilab and the collaboration’s partnerships with CERN and Gran Sasso Laboratory.
ICARUS now sits in the path of Fermilab’s neutrino beam, a milestone that brings the detector one step closer to taking data.
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is advancing technology commonly used in dark matter experiments—and scaling it up to record-breaking sizes.
Experience gained during the construction of prototype detectors paves the way toward the final design of the DUNE detectors.
From APS News, July 2018: Scientists are looking down a number of avenues for dark matter. Fermilab’s Daniel Bowring and Dan Hooper discuss the search, and members of SuperCDMS, ADMX and other collaborations are on the hunt.
From Meteoweb, June 30, 2018: Accordo tra Stati Uniti e Italia per lo Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN), che sarà il progetto americano di punta per la ricerca sui neutrini.
On June 28, the U.S. Department of Energy and the Italian Embassy signed an agreement for collaboration on research with the international Short-Baseline Neutrino program hosted at Fermilab.
Some scientists spend decades trying to catch a glimpse of a rare process. But with good experimental design and a lot of luck, they often need only a handful of signals to make a discovery.
Physicists on the MicroBooNE collaboration at Fermilab have presented their first collection of science results at the international Neutrino 2018 conference in Germany.
As the DUNE collaboration grows, collaborators make progress on the two ProtoDUNE detectors at CERN.